Thursday, August 9, 2012

¡que frió!

HI! I flew into Bogota yesterday and have been with my mom's family in Chia (its 15 min away from Bogota the capital, like saying Quincy and Boston). I am sooooo happy being over here, my moms family is so much fun and loving. I really feel at home with them. Later today we are driving to Simijaca which is 2hrs away I think, its the farm area where my family grew up. I love it there! its just farms and little towns. Then during the weekend my fam is taking me to San Gil which is further north-west because its warm/hot over there (Thank God). After that I will be in Simijaca until Thursday and return to Bogota...then Ill be with my other cousins who are taking me out to partyyyyyyyy and rumor is that they are taking me somewhere warm as well during that weekend. Right now it is sooo cold!!! Its prob 50 degrees brrrrrrrr I was not ready for this cold haha In Medellin it was high 80s (miss it ) But whatever Im loving it here...

Right now I am in a little store where you can make phone calls and use the computers. To be on the internet for an hour is 1000 pesos which is $0.50 (soooo cheap!) My family doesnt have internet in their houses so whenever I get a chance I will go to one of these internet stores to update my blog =) Hope everyone is doing well byeeee


  1. Hola JetSetter! The farm sounds fun are there going to be roosters? lol reminds me of PR. Dont worry about the cold, when you come back it'll probably still be plenty hot here. I'll bet you'll even catch in a few beach dayss

  2. Hey sister! I heard you were going to Bucaramanga!!! So jealous! Mami told me Rocina might meet up w you guys. Cute. Take lots of pics. Can't wait to see what it looks like :O) Pls give everyone a bog hug & kiss for me. The kids must be sooo big! Love you ttyl!

  3. LOL no roosters Dani (thank God, that was a struggle in pr) I praying Ill have beach days when I come back! Yes sister we went to Bucara. for the weekend how cool!!


  4. it's cool that you were able to spend time in the convent with the nuns while still able to sneak out with your younger cousins all before meeting up with your mami's family. It sounds like you've done so much already. I saw your pics, there are a lot! i saw the one of the hot god, it looked delicious. it reminded me of the hot dogs we had at soffy's party! That was cool that you were able to go to the villages with such poverty, it really is so eye opening. OMG the buses in DR are like that too! haha they are so old looking and don't look safe but people use it as public transit. people over there drive so crazy too, there are no rules of the road i swear lol. it's cool that they have those two similarities. I love that there are mountains that you can see by cable cars that's very cool. The country is so big and you are going to so many different parts of it that you are really able to enjoy the diversity in the cultures and climate. Sarah's brother is still traveling through south america and he's in colombia now too! he's staying in a brothel and i was able to see some of his pics from the festival of flowers. soo pretty. I'm sure when i see you again you will be so Colombianed out like a true paisa haha. lovee
