Monday, August 13, 2012

Brrrrr its chilly in Simijaca!!! During the day its like sunny spring time and at night its like a cold cold fall day in Boston. My cousin Cristina paid the internet service today so theres internet in her house nowyay! Im going to catch you up real quick on what ive been doing, but quick because my little cousins just got back from school so I want to hang out with them (best little cousins in teh world!) Right now I am in Simijaca at my cousins house (my aunt Lucita´s old house, its beautiful!) The kids were at school and my aunt and cousin were working all day so I relaxed in the morning, watched tv and laid out in the sun with the dogs. It is soooo quiet and peaceful over here, all you can hear is birds chirping and the occasional mooing of cows. living the life...but anyway Ive been busy busy here with the fam :)

On thursday we had lunch at my cousin`s Claudias house for her bday, her hubby made lunch! After that my aunt Lucita and her hubby Frank and I drove to Simijaca (2hrs away from the capital), we arrived to my cousin Cristinas house because Cristinas kids wanted to hang out with me haha, and they wanted me to go with them to school the next to see them dance. Friday morning I took my little cousins to school since their mom leaves to the farm really early. We walked to their school which is around the corner (down the dirt road and onto the main street)..omg my cousins are soo cute! They showed me around their school (which is really small) and my cousin Jose Ignacio (josi) introduced me to all his friends (Im the cousin from the united states..kinda a big deal lol jk) Their school had a presentation because it was celebrating 29 yrs, every grade performed a dance from different regions of Colombia. it was so much fun! After that my cousin dropped Josi (9yrs old), Salome (12 yrs old) and I in Chiquinquira (the town nearby) so I could buy a bathing suit. We walked around the entire town for like 3 hrs it was so much fun Ive never gotten to walk around it before. Its hard to explain what the town looks like so you have to see the pictures. It was cool because my mom went to boarding school in that town, so it was cool thinking what it mustve been like when she went to school there (we walked by her school) BTW my mom is from Simijaca (I think Im repeating myself from previous blogs..) FRiday night Cristina took us to her new farm and we hung out there for a long while she organized the farm house. See last year Simijaca or well this region in Colombia, had a really bad winter. It rained non stop which caused the river next to my family´s farm to overflow. The entire farm and nearby land was completely flooded like 10 feet or more. A bunch of their cows drowned and some were able to be transported to another farm higher up the mountain. The farm was flooded for about 6 months and  not until a year later (now) could my family bring cows back to their farm and start over again. Its been really hard on them because they have a dairy farm, so they sell their milk to a dairy company Alquira (its like the colombian version of Hood) They went from having 150 cows to 20. But anyway, the river border was fixed and it hasnt rained alot so they should be better this year =)

Over the weekend my aunt Lucita, her hubby, Cristina and her three kids and I went to the state of Santander (north) to the cities of San Gil and was soooooooooo warm there!!!! Thank God!! We drove through really tall mountains and canyons, it was beautiful (i took alot of pics) On the way to Bucaramanga, we went to a national park called Chicamocha. We went on a cable car that took us down and up a mountain and across a river. And I went on this huge swing that swings over the mountain cliff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was  crazy! Your feet dangle over the mountain like a gazillion feet high haha It was actually not scary while on the swing, but when you watch people do it, it looks freaking nuts!!! That night we arrived to Bucaramanga, and saw DArk Knight (in spanish!) On the way back to the hotel we took a taxi and we got freaked out because the cab took us in the opposite direction of the hotel and drove down a sketchy dark side street (my cousin her daghter and i thought we were going to be jumped, the boys didnt even notice what was going on) Turns out the cab was taking us to another hotel which has a smiliar name as the one we were staying at lol

On Sunday my aunt and cousin decided to end the trip quick and return to Simijaca that night instead of Monday because they had too much to do (sounds like my parents). Sunday morning I went to see a family friend since she lives in that city, she moved from Boston in January. It was nice to see where she lives and see how she is doing. During the day we went to a water park and then stopped in San Gil (small town up in the mountains) and then arrived last night to Simijaca. Btw driving through canyon was nuts!!! The road is sooooooooooooooooo curvy!!!!!!!! WE were all getting motion sickness! And the cliffs are kinda scary too haha

ok  i cant think of anything else to write...oh tomorrow Im going to Raquira this some village to buy gifts for everyone !!!!woo woo lol

ok im going to chase the dogs in the yard and play with my little cousins!! bye!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like some real family bonding time!. That mustve been hard, the flood. I'm glad everything is getting back in order. By the way, when do you come back?
