Thursday, August 2, 2012

que bacano parce!

today was an eventful day! My sent me with Sor Helma's sister (older nutty lady) to do errands downtown ( we went to El Hueco again) and to the botanical gardens to see the exhibit of Orchids, Birds and Flowers. I took alot of pictures of the flowers..orchids are my favorite flowers :) Medellin is known for its beautiful flowers...afte that we were out all day on buses! We got on the wrong bus for almost an hour! I pretty much had a tour of Medellin lol riding these buses feel like being on rollercoasters no lie! First off, medellin is VERY hilly so there are alot of ups & downs & curves. Second, buses or cars in general over here drive so fast! Uh I'm feeling nauseous just thinking about it lol plus with the high elevation over here compared to Boston, it gets you a little loopy if you're not used to it. The buses don't look like the mbta buses...i don't know how to describe them, they are small & you pay the driver directly. I'll take a picture next time if there aren't ppl on the bus.
tonight my aunt took me to see a show performed by the folkloric ballet. It was amazing!!!! The theme was music and dances from the pacific & Caribbean coast of Colombia . A band opened the show , they were sooooo good! I recorded them, so it'll be up on fb eventually. After, the dancers performed accompanied by another band ( soooo good!)i took alot of pics and videos of this should have seen the bodies of the guys dancers omgggg lol there was one guy who I was creeping on during the show he was tall dark and handsome (shocker) lol anddddddd at the finale of the show he pulledme on stage haha i almost died! But then i realized the dancers were bringing ppl on stage too it was fun i wanted to get it and really break it down (like at the club with Tasha & Dani lol jk) buttttttttt remembered that my aunt and another nun were sitting right there FRONT row so i kept it G lol overall the show was great and makes me appreciate Colombia for its diverse culture :)

I hope you're doing well over there in MA...and thanks Dani for this blog idea, its the only time I get to talk (well write)  in english


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jackie,
    I love all your posts! You are so blessed to be experiencing all this as a local rather than a tourist!
    Take a picture of the bus! I am curious to see if they are like the buses in Syria haha
    Can you upload pics onto the blog???
    Wait, so people were breaking it down at the ballet? lol
    p.s I am waiting for my tall dark handsome man. I'll even pick you and him up from the airport! haha
    pp.s I liked your post on feeling like you are in a beauty contest. They either want you to join the convent or marry you off! haha jkjk

    1. Lol seriously Christine!!!! Every nun has asked me if I have a bf, and then I say no, and they saw oh that's ok who needs guys while giving me a look of pity lol wtf..i took video of the ballet, its Colombian folkloric dancing, not like the nutcracker ballet lol

  3. Ohhh so was that what was happening in the picture on facebook? Soo much fun. Tisk, Tisk, jackie breakin it down with nuns watching! Too much SBG lol. Are the buses like Haitian tap taps? In Haiti some of the buses are really small with a million people and makeshift seats, wondering if it's the same thing. Can't wait to hear more! Dido on everything Christine said.

  4. LOL Im such a SBG Dani!! My aunt and the other nun were encouraging me to dance lol!!!! they are the ones that recorded it on my camera haha. The buses arent like tap taps, for us tap taps are called Chivas..those arent really seen in big cities. The buses I was talking about actually have seats lol I took some pictures yesterday so I'll show you guys.
